The Hindleford Killer (The Psychic Eye Mysteries Book 1) Page 12
“You could be wrong about that. There are laws against stalking these days. You can’t be too careful,” Paige pointed out. “He shouldn’t be sending another person to bother you either. At the very least, we could scare the friend into leaving you alone. Let’s at least inform the police of the situation. What’s his friend’s name? An officer could have a word with him.”
“I guess that might be a good idea, but I don’t know what Sam’s friend’s name is,” Mandy picked up a cloth and wiped over the counter. “I’ve never been introduced to him and he wasn’t around when Sam and I were together. To be honest, I think he’s made Sam worse. He’s really weird and a bit creepy.”
Paige bit her lip. She was almost certain this new friend of Sam’s had to be Ryan. “Leave it with me. I know someone on the force who may be able to help.” She patted Mandy’s shoulder. “I’m sure we can get this resolved. Just give me Sam’s full name. The police will need it.”
“Alright. If you think they will actually help. His name is Sam Porter.” The girl smiled at her with gratitude, seeming lighter than she had in a long time. “Thank you, Miss Saunders. It’s so nice of you to worry about me. I can’t believe you’d do this for me.”
“Anything to keep you safe and happy,” Paige smiled. She pointed towards the door. “Looks like our elderly coffee club is on the way in. Take care of them for me, would you? I just want to make that call.”
Mandy nodded as Paige made her way back into the kitchen. She quickly phoned Steele with the information she’d learned.
“Good work. We’ll pick up this Sam Porter and find out who this friend of his is and where we can find him,” Steele was breathing hard. She could tell he was on the move. “Keep Mandy with you until further notice.”
“Okay. You’ll let me know what’s happening?” Paige enquired.
“Course,” Steele affirmed. “Pip, new info. Let’s move,” she heard him call out. “Speak to you later, Saunders.”
The call ended. Paige smiled, hope filling her heart. She was certain that in a few hours, the Hindleford killer would safely be behind bars and her life could go back to normal. She just had to keep Mandy safe until then. But how?
“Morning, Miss Saunders,” Louisa called out as she entered the kitchen to hang up her coat and grab an apron.
Paige smiled, an idea forming in her mind. “Morning, Louisa. Would you help Mandy out front for a while? I want to play with a few recipe ideas for our afternoon tea event. Perhaps you could both stay after work and we can work together to create our menu?”
Louisa clapped her hands together. “Oh, I’d love to!” She tore out of the kitchen calling to her friend. Paige shook her head and laughed. It was wonderful to see such enthusiasm. She quickly tidied up from her morning baking and set to work gathering ingredients to work on some tasters for them to try out later.
Things seemed to be looking up. All she had to do was keep Mandy safe until Steele had Ryan in custody. She couldn’t let that vision become a reality, no matter what.
Chapter Nineteen
The day sped by with alarming speed. Paige constantly kept taking her phone out to check for messages from Steele, but so far, nothing. The strain of waiting for news was almost too much to bear. She was grateful to take her mind off of the situation by creating a tasting menu for the afternoon tea event.
“Shall I lock the doors, Miss Saunders?” Louisa asked. “It’s gone five.”
Paige glanced up at the clock hanging on the kitchen wall. “Oh! I didn’t realise it had got to that time.” She pointed a finger covered in frosting to her keys on the counter by the sink. “My keys are there. Please shut the front door and start the clear down. I am almost ready for us to begin our tasting for the menu.”
Louisa let out an excited squeal as she caught up the keys and headed back to the front of the café. Paige quickly finished up with the last of her cake offerings and washed her hands. She placed each sample on to a tray she’d dug out of one of her cupboards, then grabbed her large order pad that she normally used to record any ingredients she needed to order from the supplier. It would suit for the purpose she had in mind.
By the time she’d completed her tasks, Louisa and Mandy were almost done with cleaning and tidying the café front. While they finished up, Paige set up a table to use for their judging. She slipped into the kitchen and brought out a tray filled with her cake samples, shooing the girls into seats so they could begin.
With a flourish, Paige presented her cakes. The girls’ ohhed and ahhed over the delicate confections. Paige placed a plate in the middle and gave each of them a fork. They then got down to the business of tasting.
Time passed by as they discussed and scored each cake. The hazelnut chocolate mini torte was a huge hit from the start. Paige noted it down as a firm favourite for the afternoon tea selection. She added a raspberry macaroon to the selection after both girls fought over who would finish the sample. They all agreed a fruit and plain scone had to be a part of the line-up. They would serve that with fresh strawberry jam and clotted cream.
They were still working on the final choice when a text pinged through to Paige’s phone. She quickly pulled it out, her heart skipping a beat when she saw the message was from Steele. Quickly, she read it. This could be just the news she was waiting for!
Sorry it took so long. Sam hard to track down. Finally got him in for questioning. It isn’t his friend. They both have air tight alibies for one of the murders. We busted out. Keep Mandy there. I have a few things to sort out, then I’ll come to you.
Paige’s heart sank. It wasn’t Ryan? Then Mandy was still in danger. She swallowed hard.
“Everything okay, Miss Saunders?” Louisa asked. “You’ve got a funny look on your face.”
“Um, just a bit of bad news, I’m afraid,” Paige said, trying to smile as she slipped her phone back into her apron pocket. “It’s nothing to worry about. Just something I hoped would pan out and didn’t.”
Mandy and Louisa exchanged glances. Before anyone could say anything more, a noise from the kitchen doorway caught their attention. Turning her head, Paige saw the man from the previous day, Louisa’s ex. He stood in the doorway, eyeing them all through bloodshot eyes. He swayed slightly on his feet.
Paige’s heart hammered in her chest. How the hell had he got into her café? Suddenly she remembered opening the door that morning. She’d left it open to leave some air flowing through the kitchen while she baked and must have forgotten to close it before they started their tasting. How stupid could she be?
“Can I help you?” she asked, rising to her feet. The way he was staring at them all gave her the creeps.
“I don’t want to talk to you,” he pointed a shaky hand towards her, his words slurred. Clearly he’d been drinking. “You stay out of it. I just want time with………”
“No!” Louisa rose to her feet, clenching her hands into fists. “I don’t want you here. When are you going to leave me alone?”
Mandy shot up beside her friend, putting a hand on Louisa’s arm in a show of support. She addressed the man, “What is wrong with you? Can’t you see she doesn’t want to speak to you? When will men like you get the message? She isn’t interested in you anymore. Move on!”
He turned his hard gaze to her, his eyes roving over her. “What are you? Some kind of bodyguard? I won’t have anyone stand in my way. I will have my say.”
Paige flicked a glance at Mandy to warn her to stay quiet. She nearly swallowed her own tongue. Mandy was gone. In her place was a corpse. It was even worse than the first time Paige had seen the vision. Then she’d only seen the skull with flesh hanging down around the bones. Now, she could also see a gaping hole in Mandy’s chest, her ribs pulled open and her heart clearly missing.
Terror gripped Paige. She knew all too well what would happen to Mandy. She’d seen it and felt it when she’d viewed the murders the Hindleford killer had committed. Slowly her gaze went back to the man standing in her kitchen doorway. Oh, Go
d, what a fool! It was him. He was the Hindleford killer. Louisa was his trigger and Mandy would be his next victim given half a chance. She couldn’t let that happen.
Paige surged forward and grabbed the broom that Louisa had left standing up against the wall. She stood in front of the girls and waved it threateningly. “Stay back, I’m warning you.” She spoke over her shoulder. “Louisa, do you still have my keys?”
“Yes, Miss Saunders,” the girl replied, her voice shaking.
“Good. I want you to open the door and get you and Mandy out of here. Run. Phone the police. Tell Detective Steele what’s happening here and tell him to hurry.”
Paige couldn’t risk taking her eyes off the man. She kept them glued on him, afraid he would pull a knife out of her. What would she do if he rushed at her? Her self-defence skills were shaky at best. Her only hope was that he was drunk enough to slow his reflexes. She might just stand a chance that way.
“We can’t just leave you here,” Mandy protested, her voice cracking with fear.
“It’s not me he wants. Get out of here now!” Paige insisted.
“Come on, Mandy. We have to get help,” Louisa urged. Paige was grateful for the other girl taking charge. She would have to trust Louisa would get Mandy to safety. She had her own hands completely full.
The man took advantage of her momentary distraction. He lunged forward. Someone screamed behind her. Paige couldn’t take the time to speak to the girls again. She just prayed they would follow her orders. Yelling as loud as she could, Paige swung the broom at his head. It connected with a sickening thud. He collapsed down onto one knee, clutching his temple.
Paige risked a quick glance over her shoulder. The café door stood open. The girls were gone. She breathed a sigh of relief.
“You’re going to pay for that, Bitch.” He glared up at her, murder in his eyes. He swayed drunkenly. Paige could smell the alcohol from where she stood.
“Like Jean? I know what you did to her. And to those poor girls,” she glared him down.
“Who the hell is Jean? What are you talking about?” the man snarled, slowly edging onto his knee. He rubbed at his head.
“Stay down, I’m warning you.” Paige raised the broom. “Make no mistake, you are not hurting anyone else. I’ll do whatever it takes to keep you on the ground until the police arrive.”
The man laughed at her, sounding slightly wild. “Nobody’s coming. It’s just you and me. There’s only so much time before I’ll get the best of you.” He sneered at her.
“Louisa will call the police. They will be here any second.”
The man shook his head, glaring at her through bleary eyes. “No, they won’t.”
He sounded so certain. Paige shifted on her feet. He was just trying to distract her. She had to keep focus or he’d get the upper hand. Regardless, Steele said he was on his way. He would get here soon. She just had to hold out.
The man shifted again. Paige jerked the broom towards him. He held up his hands. “I’m telling you, the police aren’t being called. Now, why don’t you stop interfering? Things will be so much better for you if you just get out of my way.”
Paige shook her head. “Detective Steele will be here any minute. He is going to have a lot of questions for you.” At least she prayed he was on his way. “After everything you’ve done, the only place you’re going is jail.”
“What for? I’m a little drunk, but that’s not a crime.” He glanced over his shoulder. “Okay, so I entered without an invitation. You left the door open, so it was hardly breaking and entering.”
“I think the murder of three women is enough of a reason, don’t you?” Paige raised a brow in challenge.
“What? I haven’t murdered anyone. You’re out of your tree. I only came here to talk to my partner. I want to be given another chance. That’s all,” he glared at her. “Why the hell are you bringing up murder?”
Paige shook her head. “You can’t fool me. I know exactly who you are and what you’ve done.” She drew in a shuddering breath. “You’re the Hindleford killer.”
He sucked in a breath, shock filling his eyes. He seemed to sober up in a hurry. “No! I’m not. What the hell gave you that idea?”
“You’re obsessed with Louisa. You’re dead set on getting her back. Her refusals and rejection of you has sent you over the edge,” Paige swallowed hard. “That’s why you target women with long blonde hair, young and fit. They represent her. You want to own her. Dominate her. Make her yours completely.”
He shook his head frantically. “You couldn’t be more wrong. I don’t like women like that. I’m gay.”
Paige snorted. “Yeah, right. That’s why you’ve come here for your girlfriend.”
He shook his head slowly. “Not for my girlfriend. For my boyfriend.” He nodded towards the door, where the girls had exited a short time ago. “Louisa is my guy. He wants to have an operation to change him, but I’ve been trying to talk him out of it. It’s that damned twisted mother of his that caused all this. She wanted to adopt a girl, but couldn’t get one. She tried to make him into one instead. When she died, he went off the rails. I’ve been trying to get him back, but I just can’t reach him.”
Paige shook her head, his words buzzing round in her head like white noise. She couldn’t make sense of them. “What are you saying? Louisa isn’t a man.”
“Yes, he is. Under that skirt he insists on wearing, he has a full set of man parts.”
Paige shook her head. “I would know if Louisa were a man.” She would have felt it, wouldn’t she?
“How, when he’s convinced himself completely that he’s this Louisa character he insists he is now.” The man tried to rise to his feet, but Paige threatened him with the broom again. He sank back down. “You have to believe me. I came here to help him. I want him to find his way back to himself. I want him to be my Ryan again.”
Paige froze. “What?” She glanced over at the door. “Louisa is Ryan Henderson?
“Hey, how’d you know his surname? I never told you.” Confusion filled the man’s voice.
Paige slowly turned to him. He could be lying to her. He could still be Ryan Henderson and was just playing with her. That seemed far more likely than Louisa being a cold blooded killer and a man. There was only one way to be sure.
“Take off your jacket and throw it to me.”
“What?” he stared at her as if she’d just sprouted ten heads.
“I have to know if you’re telling the truth. If I hold something of yours, I will know. Now toss it to me.” She stepped back, putting enough distance between them that if he made a move, she could hopefully have time to counter it.
Still staring at her as if she were mad, he shrugged out of his jacket and tossed it to the floor. Slowly, Paige bent down. She reached out one hand, her gaze locked on his. Grabbing the leather material, she breathed deep and connected with him. Flashes of images flowed through her mind. Feelings swirled around, memories filled her head. One thing was clear. This man was not Ryan Henderson.
“You aren’t him. Oh God, you were telling the truth!” She couldn’t seem to take it all in.
“That’s what I said, although I have no idea how holding my jacket helps you to come to that conclusion. I’m Marty Shaw. Ryan is my boyfriend. If we have that all cleared up, perhaps you can stop threatening me and let me go find him?” Marty rose to his feet.
Paige sucked in a breath, her eyes growing wide as horror filled her. Louisa was Ryan. She couldn’t believe it. How had she not felt anything from the girl? Shock held her frozen for several seconds. She gasped as another thought entered her head. Ryan was the Hindleford killer…………..and he’d just left the café with his next victim……...Mandy!
Chapter Twenty
Paige had never felt so cold in her whole life. How could this have happened? Her gift hadn’t told her a thing. Louisa had worked alongside her all this time and she’d felt nothing. Her mind whirled around trying to make sense of it all. How could a killer be s
o close to her and she couldn’t feel it in any way?
The only explanation she could think of was that Louisa was completely separate from Ryan. Another personality inside him that was totally unaware of the other part of her. That would explain why all Paige could feel was Louisa. She’d known the Hindleford killer needed to control and breathe in his victim’s last breath. She’d felt his need to consume them. Now she knew why. He used them to become a woman………Louisa. And if she didn’t hurry, that fate would be Mandy’s. It was too horrible to conceive. She had to find them.
“You can’t go after him,” she said slowly, turning to look at Marty as she handed him back his jacket. After connecting with him, she knew he was a jerk, but no real threat to her. He acted tough, but he wasn’t violent.
“Why not. I can reach him. Get him to see reason.” Marty drew his jacket back on. “He loves me and I love him.” The broken quality of his voice spoke volumes. Marty was truly heart sick.
She shook her head. “You have no idea what you are dealing with. He’s gone over the edge. He’s mentally ill.” Her gaze darted around the café. She had to find something she could use to connect with either Mandy or Louisa. She had to find them before it was too late.
“What are you getting at?” Marty bleated at her. “You don’t know Ryan. You only know this Louisa he insists on being. My Ryan………”
“Your Ryan is the Hindleford killer. He’s taken my employee and if we don’t find them, she’s dead,” Paige snapped out. She didn’t have time to sugar coat the situation.
A thought popped into her head. She raced in to the kitchen. Neither girl had had time to gather their things. Thankfully, Mandy’s coat still hung up on the hook by the door. Paige grabbed it, her heart hammering in her chest.
Marty trailed in behind her, his face hard and angry. “What the hell are you talking about? I know he’s got some problems, but Ryan wouldn’t hurt anyone. He’s not that killer that’s been on the news.”